Miriam Walsh



Miriam has been pouring into the hearts of women for the past twenty-plus years with the love the Creator-Redeemer God has lavished upon her. She has personally walked through depression, chronic illness (hers, her husband’s and their son’s), navigating change, leadership challenges, and suffering.

A gospel-centered worldview changes everything. Miriam has walked with women through the breadth of life’s diverse realities, particularly surrounding issues related to leadership, spiritual intimacy with God, and developing a thought life that reflects good theology. Above all, Miriam’s deepest desire is for every woman to understand our Triune God’s great, great love for her and help her have an authentic relationship with Him. No matter how things appear, God is ultimately up to something beautiful! Miriam would love to walk with you and discover what that is together.

Born in Chicago, Illinois, Miriam resides in Middle Tennessee with her husband of over 30 years. They have two grown sons. With degrees in Psychology and English, Miriam has years of teaching and leadership with women in her local church and the parachurch setting. She is an avid reader of books on theology and spiritual formation, and is a chai tea latte enthusiast.

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Contact Tin Man Ministries to begin your journey toward health and living from the heart.