Chuck Gschwend

Spiritual Direction Coach


Chuck Gschwend serves full time as the Director of Spiritual Formation for The Eden Project.

A trained spiritual director, Chuck loves meeting one-on-one with leaders helping them pay attention to the presence of God around them, in them, and for them. Chuck is also a seasoned retreat leader and is passionate about helping God’s people feel more at home in the love of God. Chuck is now an empty-nester living in Weatherford, TX with his wife Lindy. They have three adult children. 

JD, University of Arkansas School of Law; MABS Dallas Theological Seminary; Certificate in Spiritual Direction, LTI’s Selah program, affiliated with Gordon-Conwell Seminary; and trained in Spiritual Formation under Ruth Haley Barton at the Transforming Center.

Spiritual Direction


Simply put, Spiritual Direction is for those who are hungry for more of God.

Christian Spiritual Direction is the historical Christian practice whereby one person helps another to pay attention to the presence of God in them, around them and for them. A Spiritual Director can help a leader discern God’s voice and sanctifying work in his or her life. In the same way the Emmaus road disciples had their eyes opened to see Jesus in new light (Luke 24:28-35) , Spiritual Direction provides space for the shared noticing of Jesus that leads to deepening joy and “burning” hearts.

Spiritual direction is God-oriented rather than goal-oriented--giving one's attention to God rather than to a particular problem that needs to be fixed or behavior that needs to be modified. It is responsive rather than directive, listening together to the Holy Spirit's presence and ways rather than the director telling the directee what to do. It is about listening with--together noticing senses of God's voice and direction--rather than talking to. It occurs in an atmosphere of loving trust; trusting that God is for us (not against us), in love, and that God's work over time is about transforming us into the image of Christ, through the loving shaping of His Holy Spirit, so that we might live life fully, and to the Father's glory.

Spiritual direction meetings between a director and directed usually occur once a month, for an hour each time. These occur either in person or over zoom.

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